FREE Special Report: Learn the #1 Reason Why the Traditional Medical Model Won’t Heal You…

(757) 609-3116
Core Health Solutions
1013 Eden Way Unit A
Chesapeake, VA 23320

Sometimes people have the inability to lose weight no matter what they do.  These people find that their best efforts to lose weight provide extremely limited results and they’re very frustrated.  Many times there is a loss of appetite and these people experience a severe loss of energy as well.  The problem is that their metabolism has shifted into low gear.  In these cases, the weight loss difficulty is part of a larger problem. The causes of difficult weight loss include a misdiagnosed Thyroid condition, Insulin resistance, hormone imbalance, Liver toxicity, chronic gut infections, inflammation, food allergies and many more.  Through proper testing, the doctors at Core Health Solutions are able to detect which of these problems is interfering with proper metabolic function.   Once an accurate diagnosis is found, we can then begin to support the right systems of the body to help the individual regain proper metabolic function.  Only then can the individual achieve the long term weight loss that they’ve been searching for.

“Before I came to Core Health, I could barely walk, and my daughter had to help me up the stairs. Now, I'm running--something I never thought I'd be able to do again! Letting the Docs treat me was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. If you suffer from back pain or knee pain, you owe it to yourself to pay them a visit.”

Chantelle B.
Virginia Beach, VA

"The pain and numbness in my left leg was so severe that I thought I was gonna need surgery. Spinal decompression helped me to become pain free in just a few weeks and the pain hasn't come back! I am so glad that I tried this before having surgery!"

Jeff S.
N.N. Shipyard

"I had been suffering with low back pain and Sciatica for over 10 years. It had gotten so bad that I was afraid I was going to have to stop working at age 46. The Dr's at Core Health worked on my L5 disc herniation with their Spinal Decompression machine and I was pain free in 2 weeks! And the best part is, the pain has been gone for over 4 years now and i finally have my life back!"

Bonnie D.
school teacher